"The Testability Management Action Group (TMAG) is a grass roots organization made up of test professionals who believe that success for Testability in general, and Design for Testability (DFT) in particular, requires the involvement of management at all levels," says Louis Y. Ungar, President of A.T.E. Solutions, Inc. who is spearheading the group and has provided a page on his company's web site at http://www.besttest.com/TMAG/ to announce the group's activities.
The group is a product of Panels at two test conferences, where panelists and the audience have expressed frustration that engineers have difficulty communicating the benefits of DFT to their managers. The effort is supported by a number of organizations. IPC will host the first meeting that will take place on December 10, 2007 at its Test and Inspection Conference at the Wyndham San Jose, CA. See http://www.ipc.org/calendar/2007/TestConf_1207/TestConf_1207.htm. Agilent Technologies Inc. and others have assisted in providing WebEx remote connections so that the meeting can be attended from around the world. It will take place at 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time.
Attendance to this first meeting either personally or remotely is FREE, but those wishing to attend should first contact Louis Ungar at LouisUngar@ieee.org to ensure availability.