PCB Solutions Inc., Contract Manufacturer of Printed Circuit Board Assembly in Layton, Utah, announces the acquisition of former Iomega Corporation engineer Steve Johnson. Steve is an Ogden, Utah resident and brings twenty-three years of assembly experience to the amazingly successful and growing company. While his expertise lies foremost in the arena of pcb assembly, he will bring PCB Solutions, Inc. a broad pallet of engineering support.
PCB Solutions Inc., founded in 2000, continues to flourish as more and more electronics manufacturers look to outsource SMT and other assemblies as issues continue to arise in China. This growing trend, coupled with PCB Solutions' reputation for assembly quality and customer support, has allowed the young company to experience tremendous growth, creating a need for further engineering support.
When asked about his move to PCB Solutions Inc., Steve replied, "I'm very excited to be joining such a strong and vibrant young company. I'm looking forward to being a part of its continuing growth. It should allow me to continue to pursue my passion involving PCB and Thru Hole Assembly, and give me an opportunity to work more closely with customers to provide them additional engineering support."
Joe Otterstrom, VP of Manufacturing remarked, "It's going to be great having Steve on board. He has a great knowledge of PCBA and will help us expand our services, which will benefit our customers a great deal. Steve's engineering and management skills will really help us out on the production floor."
PCB Solutions Inc. currently serves customers from a broad range of industries. Their unprecedented growth has recently captured attention throughout the industry. With the addition of seasoned Senior Engineer, Steve Johnson, PCB Solutions, Inc. hopes to continue its trend of growth and increasing it's reputation as a an industry leader in the pcb assembly arena.