PCB Manufacturing
Printed Circuit Board Fabrication
Top 50 PCB Manufacturer
Saturn Electronics Corporation, bare printed circuit board manufacturer, is one of the Top 50 PCB manufacturers in the United States. Established in 1985, our PCB Manufacturing facility is located in Romulus, Michigan. Saturn, the bare PCB board manufacturer, is not to be confused with other Saturns throughout the PCB supply chain who specialize in PCB assembly and Printed Circuit Board design.
Prototype PCB and PCB Production
Rigid Board Production
Saturn Electronics Corporation concentrates on high-volume PCB production while maintaining the necessary nuance for the flexibility that complex prototype boards demand. The compelling Saturn utilizes the latest PCB manufacturing equipment to oblige preliminary prototype PCB fundamentals. The laser drill and plasma equipment are complimented by the latest PCB fabrication inspection equipment for close-tolerance boards up to 24 layers.
Flexible Prototype Fabrication
By offering Prototype PCB in conjunction with High-Volume PCB Production in a reliable capacity to the PCB supply chain. In 2007, we handled numerous complex quick-turn PCB prototypes that other PCB board houses wouldn't touch. We relished the challenge and capitalized on the opportunity to reinvest into additional PCB fabrication lines to keep PCB Manufacturing capacity at 65%where Saturn and its 170 employees can remain flexible for our customers' increasing need for PCB prototypes. Saturn's reliable base of high-volume PCB production and PCB board manufacturing knowledge mixed with our knack for complex PCB prototype services separates us from other PCB manufacturers.